diff --git a/src/main/resources/application.properties b/src/main/resources/application.properties index a6d01f4..1e603ba 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/application.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/application.properties @@ -1 +1,396 @@ -# Application Information # ~~~~~ application.name=\u004c\u006f\u0067\u004d\u0061\u006e\u0061\u0067\u0065 application.id= application.sid=1719173642480254976 application.callback.url= application.description= application.version=1.0.0 # Author/Company # ~~~~~ application.author=Sunwiseinfo application.copyright=Copyright (c) {year} Sunwise. All Rights Reserved. # Header Logo # ~~~~~ # width 237.07mm height 35.28mm application.logo =img/logo.png # width 334.43mm height 163.69mm application.login.logo =img/login.png # Home Website # ~~~~~ # Link to be used with header logo application.home=http://www.sunwiseinfo.com # Link to the online help # ~~~~~ application.help=http://docs.sunwiseinfo.com # Application deployment mode # ~~~~~ # Set to 'dev' for development mode else 'prod' application.mode=dev # CSS Theme # ~~~~~ # Set default CSS theme, for example `blue` application.theme=hypaas-sunwise # Default Locale (language) # ~~~~~ # Set default application locale (en, fr, fr_FR, en_US) application.locale=zh_CN #context.app = com.hypaas.apps.base.service.app.AppService #context.appLogo = com.hypaas.apps.base.service.user.UserService:getUserActiveCompanyLogoLink # Encryption # ~~~~~ # Set encryption password #encryption.password = MySuperSecretKey # Set encryption algorithm (CBC or GCM) #encryption.algorithm = CBC # Database settings # ~~~~~ # See hibernate documentation for connection parameters #local logout config auth.logout.local=true #multi_tenancy config #application.multi_tenancy=true # PostgreSQL #db.default.driver = org.postgresql.Driver #db.default.ddl = update #db.default.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/hypaas-erp #db.default.user = hypaas #db.default.password = hypaas # MySQL db.default.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver db.default.ddl=update db.default.url=jdbc:mysql:// db.default.user=app_zhangqiyang db.default.password=Asdf123!@# #db.company1.name=Company 1 #db.company1.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver #db.company1.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hy_iot_paas2?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false #db.company1.user=hypaas #db.company1.password=hypaas # #db.company2.name=Company 2 #db.company2.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver #db.company2.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hy_iot_paas3?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false #db.company2.user=hypaas #db.company2.password=hypaas # Oracle #db.default.driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver #db.default.ddl = update #db.default.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:oracle #db.default.user = hypaas #db.default.password = #Datasource jdbc.filters=stat,wall jdbc.maxActive=20 jdbc.initialSize=5 jdbc.maxWait=60000 jdbc.minIdle=10 jdbc.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000 jdbc.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000 jdbc.validationQuery=SELECT 1 jdbc.testWhileIdle=true jdbc.testOnBorrow=false jdbc.testOnReturn=false jdbc.maxOpenPreparedStatements=20 jdbc.removeAbandoned=true jdbc.removeAbandonedTimeout=1800 jdbc.logAbandoned=true #0:NONE,1:read_uncommitted,2:read_committed,4:REPEATABLE_READ,8:SERIALIZABLE jdbc.transactionIsolation=2 jdbc.cache_mode=ENABLE_SELECTIVE #jdbc.cache_mode = ALL jdbc.fetch_size=20 jdbc.batch_size=20 mybatis.environment.id=dev # Date Format # ~~~~~ date.format=dd/MM/yyyy # Timezone # ~~~~~ date.timezone=Asia/Shanghai # Session timeout (in minutes) # ~~~~~ session.timeout=60 # Storage path for upload files (attachments) # ~~~~~ # use {user.home} key to save files under user home directory, or # use absolute path where server user have write permission. file.upload.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/attachments # Upload filename pattern, default is auto where file is save with same name # in the given upload dir, if file is already there, a count number is # appended to file name. # # This can be overridden by providing custom name pattern, for example: # # file.upload.filename.pattern = {year}-{month}/{day}/{name} # file.upload.filename.pattern = {AA}/{name} # # Following placeholders can be used: # # {year} - current year # {month} - current month # {day} - current day # {name} - file name # {A} - first letter from file name # {AA} - first 2 letter from file name # {AAA} - first 3 letter from file name # #file.upload.filename.pattern = {year}-{month}/{day}/{name} # Maximum upload size (in MB) # ~~~~~ file.upload.size=5 #视频文件代理全路径 nginx.proxy.path = #自动任务调度目标接口路径 scheduling.url = #序列化字段,逗号分开 serialize.keys = # Whitelist pattern can be used to allow file upload with matching names. # # For example: \\.(xml|html|jpg|png|pdf|xsl)$ # # Regular expression # ~~~~~ #file.upload.whitelist.pattern = # Blacklist pattern can be used to block file upload with matching names. # # Regular expression # ~~~~~ #file.upload.blacklist.pattern = # Whitelist content type can be used to allow file upload with matching content. # # List of mime-types (plain/text,image/*,video/webm) # ~~~~~ #file.upload.whitelist.types = # Blacklist content type can be used to block file upload with matching content. # # List of mime-types (plain/text,image/*,video/webm) # ~~~~~ #file.upload.blacklist.types = # The external report design directory # ~~~~~ # this directory is searched for the rptdesign files # (fallbacks to designs provided by modules) reports.design.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/reports # Storage path for report outputs reports.output.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/reports-gen # Data export (csv) encoding # ~~~~ # Use Windows-1252, ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 if targeting ms excel # (excel does not recognize utf8 encoded csv) data.export.encoding=UTF-8 # Storage path for export action # ~~~~~ data.export.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/data-export # Specify whether to import demo data # ~~~~~ data.import.hypaas-data=false # Storage path for templates # ~~~~~ template.search.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/templates # LDAP Configuration # ~~~~~ #ldap.server.url = ldap://localhost:10389 # can be "simple" or "CRAM-MD5" ldap.auth.type=simple ldap.system.user=uid=admin,ou=system ldap.system.password=secret # group search base ldap.group.base=ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com # if set, create groups on ldap server under ldap.group.base #ldap.group.object.class = groupOfUniqueNames # a template to search groups by user login id ldap.group.filter=(uniqueMember=uid={0}) # user search base ldap.user.base=ou=users,dc=example,dc=com # a template to search user by user login id ldap.user.filter=(uid={0}) # CAS configuration # ~~~~~ #auth.cas.server.url.prefix = http://localhost:8081/cas # use public accessible url #auth.cas.service = http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas/callback # login url, if not given prepared from server & service url #auth.cas.login.url = http://localhost:8081/cas/login?service=http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas/callback?client_name=CasClient # logout url, if not given prepared from server & service url #auth.cas.logout.url = http://localhost:8081/cas/logout?service=http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas # CAS validation protocol (CAS, SAML) #auth.cas.protocol = CAS10 # the attribute to map to user display name #auth.cas.attrs.user.name = name # the attribute to map to user email #auth.cas.attrs.user.email = mail # Quartz Scheduler # ~~~~~ # quartz job scheduler # Specify whether to enable quartz scheduler quartz.enable=false # total number of threads in quartz thread pool # the number of jobs that can run simultaneously quartz.threadCount=3 # SMPT configuration # ~~~~~ # SMTP server configuration #mail.smtp.host = smtp.gmail.com #mail.smtp.port = 587 #mail.smtp.channel = starttls #mail.smtp.user = user@gmail.com #mail.smtp.pass = secret # timeout settings #mail.smtp.timeout = 60000 #mail.smtp.connectionTimeout = 60000 # IMAP configuration # ~~~~~ # IMAP server configuration # (quartz scheduler should be enabled for fetching stream replies) #mail.imap.host = imap.gmail.com #mail.imap.port = 993 #mail.imap.channel = ssl #mail.imap.user = user@gmail.com #mail.imap.pass = secret # timeout settings #mail.imap.timeout = 60000 #mail.imap.connectionTimeout = 60000 # CORS configuration # ~~~~~ # CORS settings to allow cross origin requests # regular expression to test allowed origin or * to allow all (not recommended) #cors.allow.origin = * #cors.allow.credentials = true #cors.allow.methods = GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS #cors.allow.headers = Origin,Accept,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers # View configuration # ~~~~~ # Set to true to enable single view mode view.single.tab=false # Set menu style (left, top, both) view.menubar.location=both # Advance Filter Sharing # ~~~~~ # Set to false to hide advance search filter share option, or set to list of # role names to enable share for those roles only. #view.adv-search.share = share-filter,can-share-filter # Logging # ~~~~~ # Custom logback configuration can be provided with `logging.config` property pointing # to a custom `logback.xml`. In this case, all the logging configuration provided here # will be ignored. # # Following settings can be used to configure logging system automatically. # #logging.path = {user.home}/.hypaas/logs #logging.pattern.file = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %5p ${PID:- } --- [%t] %-40.40logger{39} : %m%n #logging.pattern.console = %clr(%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}){faint} %clr(%5p) %clr(${PID:- }){magenta} %clr(---){faint} %clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n # Global logging logging.level.root=ERROR # Hypaas logging # Log everything. logging.level.com.hypaas=INFO # Hibernate logging # Log everything. Good for troubleshooting #logging.level.org.hibernate = INFO # Log all SQL DML statements as they are executed #logging.level.org.hibernate.SQL = DEBUG #logging.level.org.hibernate.engine.jdbc = DEBUG # Log all SQL DDL statements as they are executed #logging.level.org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl = INFO # Log all JDBC parameters #logging.level.org.hibernate.type = ALL # Log transactions #logging.level.org.hibernate.transaction = DEBUG # Log L2-Cache #logging.level.org.hibernate.cache = DEBUG # Log JDBC resource acquisition #logging.level.org.hibernate.jdbc = TRACE #logging.level.org.hibernate.service.jdbc = TRACE # Log connection pooling #logging.level.com.zaxxer.hikari = INFO auth.jwt.basic.auth.enabled=true application.microcontext=/lowcode-portal-logmanage application.gatewaycontext=/lowcode-portal-logmanage \ No newline at end of file +# Application Information +# ~~~~~ +application.name=\u004c\u006f\u0067\u004d\u0061\u006e\u0061\u0067\u0065 +application.id= +application.sid=1719173642480254976 +application.callback.url= +application.description= +application.version=1.0.0 +# Author/Company +# ~~~~~ +application.author=Sunwiseinfo +application.copyright=Copyright (c) {year} Sunwise. All Rights Reserved. +# Header Logo +# ~~~~~ +# width 237.07mm height 35.28mm +application.logo =img/logo.png +# width 334.43mm height 163.69mm +application.login.logo =img/login.png +# Home Website +# ~~~~~ +# Link to be used with header logo +application.home=http://www.sunwiseinfo.com +# Link to the online help +# ~~~~~ +application.help=http://docs.sunwiseinfo.com +# Application deployment mode +# ~~~~~ +# Set to 'dev' for development mode else 'prod' +application.mode=dev +# CSS Theme +# ~~~~~ +# Set default CSS theme, for example `blue` +application.theme=hypaas-sunwise +# Default Locale (language) +# ~~~~~ +# Set default application locale (en, fr, fr_FR, en_US) +application.locale=zh_CN + +#context.app = com.hypaas.apps.base.service.app.AppService +#context.appLogo = com.hypaas.apps.base.service.user.UserService:getUserActiveCompanyLogoLink + +# Encryption +# ~~~~~ +# Set encryption password +#encryption.password = MySuperSecretKey +# Set encryption algorithm (CBC or GCM) +#encryption.algorithm = CBC +# Database settings +# ~~~~~ +# See hibernate documentation for connection parameters + +#local logout config +auth.logout.local=true +#multi_tenancy config +#application.multi_tenancy=true + +# PostgreSQL +#db.default.driver = org.postgresql.Driver +#db.default.ddl = update +#db.default.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/hypaas-erp +#db.default.user = hypaas +#db.default.password = hypaas + +# MySQL +#db.default.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver +#db.default.visible=false +db.default.driver= +db.default.ddl=update +db.default.url=jdbc:://?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false&nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true +db.default.user= +db.default.password= + +#db.company1.name=Company 1 +#db.company1.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver +#db.company1.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hy_iot_paas2?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false +#db.company1.user=hypaas +#db.company1.password=hypaas +# +#db.company2.name=Company 2 +#db.company2.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver +#db.company2.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hy_iot_paas3?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false +#db.company2.user=hypaas +#db.company2.password=hypaas + +# Oracle +#db.default.driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver +#db.default.ddl = update +#db.default.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:oracle +#db.default.user = hypaas +#db.default.password = +#Datasource +jdbc.filters=stat,wall +jdbc.maxActive=20 +jdbc.initialSize=5 +jdbc.maxWait=60000 +jdbc.minIdle=10 +jdbc.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000 +jdbc.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000 +jdbc.validationQuery=SELECT 1 +jdbc.testWhileIdle=true +jdbc.testOnBorrow=false +jdbc.testOnReturn=false +jdbc.maxOpenPreparedStatements=20 +jdbc.removeAbandoned=true +jdbc.removeAbandonedTimeout=1800 +jdbc.logAbandoned=true +#0:NONE,1:read_uncommitted,2:read_committed,4:REPEATABLE_READ,8:SERIALIZABLE +jdbc.transactionIsolation=2 +jdbc.cache_mode=ENABLE_SELECTIVE +#jdbc.cache_mode = ALL +jdbc.fetch_size=20 +jdbc.batch_size=20 +mybatis.environment.id=dev +# Date Format +# ~~~~~ +date.format=dd/MM/yyyy +# Timezone +# ~~~~~ +date.timezone=Asia/Shanghai +# Session timeout (in minutes) +# ~~~~~ +session.timeout=60 +# Storage path for upload files (attachments) +# ~~~~~ +# use {user.home} key to save files under user home directory, or +# use absolute path where server user have write permission. +file.upload.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/attachments +# Upload filename pattern, default is auto where file is save with same name +# in the given upload dir, if file is already there, a count number is +# appended to file name. +# +# This can be overridden by providing custom name pattern, for example: +# +# file.upload.filename.pattern = {year}-{month}/{day}/{name} +# file.upload.filename.pattern = {AA}/{name} +# +# Following placeholders can be used: +# +# {year} - current year +# {month} - current month +# {day} - current day +# {name} - file name +# {A} - first letter from file name +# {AA} - first 2 letter from file name +# {AAA} - first 3 letter from file name +# +#file.upload.filename.pattern = {year}-{month}/{day}/{name} +# Maximum upload size (in MB) +# ~~~~~ +file.upload.size=5 + +#视频文件代理全路径 +nginx.proxy.path = + +#自动任务调度目标接口路径 +scheduling.url = + +#序列化字段,逗号分开 +serialize.keys = + +# Whitelist pattern can be used to allow file upload with matching names. +# +# For example: \\.(xml|html|jpg|png|pdf|xsl)$ +# +# Regular expression +# ~~~~~ +#file.upload.whitelist.pattern = +# Blacklist pattern can be used to block file upload with matching names. +# +# Regular expression +# ~~~~~ +#file.upload.blacklist.pattern = +# Whitelist content type can be used to allow file upload with matching content. +# +# List of mime-types (plain/text,image/*,video/webm) +# ~~~~~ +#file.upload.whitelist.types = +# Blacklist content type can be used to block file upload with matching content. +# +# List of mime-types (plain/text,image/*,video/webm) +# ~~~~~ +#file.upload.blacklist.types = +# The external report design directory +# ~~~~~ +# this directory is searched for the rptdesign files +# (fallbacks to designs provided by modules) +reports.design.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/reports +# Storage path for report outputs +reports.output.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/reports-gen +# Data export (csv) encoding +# ~~~~ +# Use Windows-1252, ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 if targeting ms excel +# (excel does not recognize utf8 encoded csv) +data.export.encoding=UTF-8 +# Storage path for export action +# ~~~~~ +data.export.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/data-export +# Specify whether to import demo data +# ~~~~~ +data.import.hypaas-data=false +# Storage path for templates +# ~~~~~ +template.search.dir={user.home}/.hypaas/templates +# LDAP Configuration +# ~~~~~ +#ldap.server.url = ldap://localhost:10389 +# can be "simple" or "CRAM-MD5" +ldap.auth.type=simple +ldap.system.user=uid=admin,ou=system +ldap.system.password=secret +# group search base +ldap.group.base=ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com +# if set, create groups on ldap server under ldap.group.base +#ldap.group.object.class = groupOfUniqueNames +# a template to search groups by user login id +ldap.group.filter=(uniqueMember=uid={0}) +# user search base +ldap.user.base=ou=users,dc=example,dc=com +# a template to search user by user login id +ldap.user.filter=(uid={0}) +# CAS configuration +# ~~~~~ +#auth.cas.server.url.prefix = http://localhost:8081/cas +# use public accessible url +#auth.cas.service = http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas/callback +# login url, if not given prepared from server & service url +#auth.cas.login.url = http://localhost:8081/cas/login?service=http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas/callback?client_name=CasClient +# logout url, if not given prepared from server & service url +#auth.cas.logout.url = http://localhost:8081/cas/logout?service=http://localhost:8080/hy-iot-paas +# CAS validation protocol (CAS, SAML) +#auth.cas.protocol = CAS10 +# the attribute to map to user display name +#auth.cas.attrs.user.name = name +# the attribute to map to user email +#auth.cas.attrs.user.email = mail +# Quartz Scheduler +# ~~~~~ +# quartz job scheduler +# Specify whether to enable quartz scheduler +quartz.enable=false +# total number of threads in quartz thread pool +# the number of jobs that can run simultaneously +quartz.threadCount=3 +# SMPT configuration +# ~~~~~ +# SMTP server configuration +#mail.smtp.host = smtp.gmail.com +#mail.smtp.port = 587 +#mail.smtp.channel = starttls +#mail.smtp.user = user@gmail.com +#mail.smtp.pass = secret +# timeout settings +#mail.smtp.timeout = 60000 +#mail.smtp.connectionTimeout = 60000 +# IMAP configuration +# ~~~~~ +# IMAP server configuration +# (quartz scheduler should be enabled for fetching stream replies) +#mail.imap.host = imap.gmail.com +#mail.imap.port = 993 +#mail.imap.channel = ssl +#mail.imap.user = user@gmail.com +#mail.imap.pass = secret +# timeout settings +#mail.imap.timeout = 60000 +#mail.imap.connectionTimeout = 60000 +# CORS configuration +# ~~~~~ +# CORS settings to allow cross origin requests +# regular expression to test allowed origin or * to allow all (not recommended) +#cors.allow.origin = * +#cors.allow.credentials = true +#cors.allow.methods = GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS +#cors.allow.headers = Origin,Accept,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers +# View configuration +# ~~~~~ +# Set to true to enable single view mode +view.single.tab=false +# Set menu style (left, top, both) +view.menubar.location=both +# Advance Filter Sharing +# ~~~~~ +# Set to false to hide advance search filter share option, or set to list of +# role names to enable share for those roles only. +#view.adv-search.share = share-filter,can-share-filter +# Logging +# ~~~~~ +# Custom logback configuration can be provided with `logging.config` property pointing +# to a custom `logback.xml`. In this case, all the logging configuration provided here +# will be ignored. +# +# Following settings can be used to configure logging system automatically. +# +#logging.path = {user.home}/.hypaas/logs +#logging.pattern.file = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %5p ${PID:- } --- [%t] %-40.40logger{39} : %m%n +#logging.pattern.console = %clr(%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}){faint} %clr(%5p) %clr(${PID:- }){magenta} %clr(---){faint} %clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n +# Global logging +logging.level.root=ERROR +# Hypaas logging +# Log everything. +logging.level.com.hypaas=INFO +# Hibernate logging +# Log everything. Good for troubleshooting +#logging.level.org.hibernate = INFO +# Log all SQL DML statements as they are executed +#logging.level.org.hibernate.SQL = DEBUG +#logging.level.org.hibernate.engine.jdbc = DEBUG +# Log all SQL DDL statements as they are executed +#logging.level.org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl = INFO +# Log all JDBC parameters +#logging.level.org.hibernate.type = ALL +# Log transactions +#logging.level.org.hibernate.transaction = DEBUG +# Log L2-Cache +#logging.level.org.hibernate.cache = DEBUG +# Log JDBC resource acquisition +#logging.level.org.hibernate.jdbc = TRACE +#logging.level.org.hibernate.service.jdbc = TRACE +# Log connection pooling +#logging.level.com.zaxxer.hikari = INFO + +auth.jwt.basic.auth.enabled=true +application.microcontext=/lowcode-portal-logmanage +application.gatewaycontext=/lowcode-portal-logmanage + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +